Taking care of your aquarium entirely by yourself can lead to disaster and is a time-consuming process if you wait too long. Palm Harbor residents who want to keep their tanks running without issue can invest in aquarium services and maintenance instead. A significant problem with DIY maintenance is a lack of expertise. With the advent of online instructional articles and videos, many believe they can easily handle all types of servicing without professionals. However, you have to ask yourself whether it is worst the risk and potentially thousands of dollars depending on how large your tank is.

At Aquarium Aquascapes, Palm Harbor property owners with water features can quickly catch on to signs of malfunctioning parts and avoid damaging their pumps attempting repairs and maintenance. While you may think the damage will only be minor, you could end up with flooding that kills your lawn and fish. When you consider the costs of lawn repair and replacing fish, you end up paying potentially thousands more than the cost of care.

Dangers of Improper Aquarium Care

At Aquarium Aquascapes, we handle saltwater habitats, freshwater tanks, plant care, custom aquariums and even fish care in the Palm Harbor area. Taking care of your marine habitat requires more than merely ensuring nothing is leaking. There can be dozens of unforeseen issues that can affect the health of your water and equipment. For example, pumps can weaken or fail over time. Without aquarium services and maintenance, the problem will only worsen over time. The build-up of algae can blog the gills of fish, causing them to suffocate also. Other issues with stagnant waters or uncared for s include:

  • Spread of diseases
  • Unpleasant smells
  • Can sicken pets and other animals

Palm Harbor residents can avoid losing their wildlife by instead of investing in aquarium services and maintenance. Assistance from Aquarium Aquascapes takes the stress and uncertainty from the equation.

Spread Disease

A clean tank is necessary for both your health and the health of your marine life. Without aquarium services and maintenance, bacteria like streptococcus iniae and Salmonella are likely to develop and cause illness among your fish and plants. These bacteria, along with many other dangerous disease-causing bacteria, are not uncommon in tanks without frequent cleaning. For the sake of your health and the health of your family, invest in regular aquarium services and maintenance to limit the chance of bacteria growth and keep everyone and everything healthy.

Unpleasant Smells

Low aeration can also result in a growing unpleasant smell coming from your tank. During the hotter parts of the years, you may notice a potent rotten egg scent if you do not adjust your air conditioning. Typically, the layer of gunk that produces the smell builds up during the winter in a colder house. At this point, the water is cold enough that it settles at the bottom. Only when things begin to warm up does the layer rise to the top and start producing a noxious scent. Palm Harbor residents who are noticing this issue every year can have rid themselves of the smell year-round with proper treatment.

Make Pets and Other Animals Sick

Aquarium services and maintenance from Aquarium Aquascapes makes it easy to afford your cleaner and better-smelling habitats because we provide seasonal services. The most crucial time to ensure your system is running clean and healthy is after changes in the seasons. Only services things once a year can result in issues like premature pump failure. Stagnant waters can easily make pets, birds, and other animal sick if they drink it.

Are Aquarium Services and Maintenance for me?

If you are finding it difficult to care for your tank adequately, then aquarium services and maintenance are perfect for you. At Aquarium Aquascapes, property owners can even purchase replacement parts and read up on tips for maintaining their marine life. Palm Harbor resident can go online or call (727) 644-4212 to learn more about our services and request a consultation today.